About the Village

Marionville Founders


The four main founders of Marionville are the Marion brothers: Isaïe, Urgel, Séraphin and Ludger. These pioneers were originally from St-Jacques de L’Achigan, in Québec, and then settled in the parish St-Jacques, in Embrun. As a result of their commitment and dedication to founding a new community, Sainte-Thérèse d’Avila church in Marionville opened its doors in 1904. 

At a meeting held on May 28, 1903, in the presence of Bishop Joseph-Thomas Duhamel, the 12 Marion (known as the 12 Apostles of Marionville) requested that a new chapel be built, to be known today as Sainte-Thérèse d'Avila church.

For a more detailed description of the parish's history, click on the tab “Community Services—Ste-Thérèse d’Avila parish.”  A full historical description of Marionville’s parish is also available in Chapter V11, Sainte-Thérèse de Marionville, in the book “Histoire de Saint-Jacques d'Embrun”, published on October 25, 1910.  Also, the recent book “Marionville... mon village raconté...” published in 2022 by author Marcel Clément, shows all the work that was accomplished by our pioneers and their descendants, from the village's earliest days to the present day.


  • Start of construction of the Church and presbytery in 1904
  • Construction of the first village school in 1908
  • Construction of schools St-Martyrs Canadiens and St-Isidore in 1908
  • First parish’s Community Hall (house of the Lavictoire family), 1917 - 1937
  • Cheese Factory, 1924 - 1951 (Isidore Champagne, owner and master cheesemaker)
  • General Store opened its doors in 1932 (Méderic Bouchard was the first owner)
  • Construction of the new Community Hall in 1938, renovated in 1945; upgrades and expansion in 1988
  • The garage opened its doors in 1945 (Henri Marion was the first owner)
  • A grand celebration for the parish’s 50th anniversary in 1954
  • Sainte-Thérèse d’Avila School opens its doors in 1954
  •  Le cercle de l’Union Culturelle was founded in 1964
  • Le Club de L’Âge d’Or (Marionville’s Seniors Club) was founded in 1974, and is now known as “club Le Bel Âge”
  • Celebrations for the parish’s 75th anniversary in 1979
  • Knights of Columbus, Council 7743, was founded in 1980 and received its Charter in 1981
  • Celebrations for the parish’s 85th anniversary in 1989
  • Villa d’Accueil Ste-Thérèse residence opened its doors in 1989
  • Celebrations for the parish’s 90th anniversary in 1994
  • A grand celebration for the parish’s 100th anniversary in 2004 “Place à la fête”
  • Celebrations for the parish’s 125th anniversary in 2029……more details to come!